Sunday, September 21, 2014

Fracking Boom Hits Water Well

Fracking which is a drilling process involves extracting gas and oil from shale formations in the ocean bed.This process depletes the natural resouces immensely by polluting the air and also has negative effects on other indudtries that depend on the natural reserves for their business.Hence it can be understood that on one hand it’s a boon for the oil and gas industry whereas on the other hand it’s a complete loss for the environment and the people who depend on it for a living.The fracking process if carried out in densely populated areas will have an adverse effect on their lives causing limited freshwater supplies.The overall consequence is deleterious for everyone.Although the WRI’s report on mitigating the problem of water risk is addressed,and that it has a negative impact on the oil and gas industry,observations should be made whether the said procedures are actually being carried out.

The government should play a dominant role in addressing this problem by asking the oil and gas industry to submit validated test reports showing highly reduced or no water contamination on  a monthly basis.From the point of view of the industry they should take take responsibilty of the ocean bed and should try to implement methods of fracking where it is a win win for both the industry as well as the natural ecosystem.Their goal should be to maximize profits without destroying the originality of the environment.If they still don’t show concern about it,then we will all see a day when the oil and gas is available in vast quantity but there will be no one to use them.

1 comment:

  1. Fracking process which the oil and gas industries taking over causes various health problem to the people and hence it must considerably reduced as you said. The govt must also set forth some standard rules for carrying out such activities.
